Tag Archive | beautiful

What do you mean, a dandelion is a “weed”? It is the most beautiful of flowers.


Spring has finally come, and with it are beautiful things in all kinds of colors everywhere. I love seeing all of the bright pinks and whites and yellows and purples that the Earth has this time of year. I stop to see (and smell) all of the flowers. After all, isn’t that what you are supposed to do? I know that it takes longer, but enjoying the world is what us little people do. We are really good at noticing what big people miss sometimes… after all, we are closer to the ground, and we have a better view.

My very favorite flower is the dandelion. My Mama says that is her very favorite too because my Daddy calls her his dandelion, so it is very special for her. Dandelions are “weeds” though so I hear, which is a type of flower that a lot of people want to get rid of. Why they would want to make any flower go away I don’t know, but my Daddy says that they can take over the yard and they can go everywhere with their little blooms, so a lot of people don’t like them because they just want green grass and nothing else in the yard. Doesn’t make sense to me, but big people often don’t make any sense at all, so I just have to go with these things when I don’t understand them.

What those big people don’t understand is that Dandelions are really special flowers because they start as one thing and become another. They start out as little yellow flowers, then that part goes away, and then there are little bitty white fluffy seeds that blow in the wind and make new yellow ones all over the place. This, my Daddy says, is why the are called a weed, because they end up all over the place when the little seeds blow around. There end up being too many, he says. Silly big people… don’t they know that there can never, ever be too many flowers?

I think that my little dandelion friends are beautiful, and I do my part to help them to grow instead of stomping them down. Us little people (and big people who never wanted to grow up like Mama and Daddy) get to grab the white puffballs and blow on them, making their seeds go up in the air into the wind to go to new places to grow. They do this on their own, but I like to think that I am helping nature along to be faster when I spread them around.

I am busy making brand new dandelions, and they are all so very beautiful, just as nature intended them to be. We are all like dandelions if we want to be, beautiful little flowers that are wild and free and can move in the wind.

Yes, Little Dorian, There is a Santa Claus… and he just might be at the New York Macy’s


I have dreams of Santa. I have even said the word “Santa” over and over, even though Mama and Daddy have no idea how I would know his name yet—after all, I am only 16 months old and my memories of last Christmas are really fuzzy. I remember the tree lights, and I remember my brother and sisters laughing around me, but I don’t remember the day really as I was much too little. For me it was almost a lifetime ago.

I know Santa, though, even though Mama and Daddy don’t know how I know, and I know where the real spirit of Christmas is—everywhere all around us. It is in everything that parents do to make their children have a happy Christmas, and it is in the feeling of happiness and love that is all around us everywhere that we go during this time. You can feel it, and it is like a soft and fuzzy blanket tucking you in. You can’t really see it or touch it, but it is there all the same.

Santa is kind of like that, and he is real. I know it, and I feel him in the spirit of everyone around me. He is a bright shining light all around all of us, coming and bringing cheer and happiness and presents to children all around the world. No one knows exactly where he is or what he looks like, not exactly, as he looks different all over the world. We think that he is big and jolly where we are, and we have stockings hung up for him. Not everyone sees him that way, but that is what makes him so wonderful—he can be big or small, he can put little presents in shoes or giant socks, and we all love him just the same because he is one of the most giving powers on the Earth.

No one knows exactly where he goes before Christmas, either. Little children all over the world go to see him, and they let him know what they would like to have from him and that they have been good, but there are many, many children in the world, and there are many places where you can go to visit with him. Some people think that he is everywhere all at once because of his magic and that he looks different ways to different people. Other people think that he is only at one place and that he has a lot of helper Santas all working to make him able to see all of the little children. Some people think that his spirit is everywhere that we go at Christmastime and that we all have him in our lives even if you do not go to see him. No one knows for sure.

The big Macy’s in New York City, I think though, just might be the place where he really is. I know, because we went, and it was one of those places where you could feel Christmas spirit all around you. When we went up and up and up to the number 8 floor where Santa is, there were many children of all ages and even big people like Mama and Daddy all waiting to see him. There were elves everywhere, and they all talked about how excited they were that Christmas was right around the corner.


There were scenes behind glass that moved that Mama called “displays” that were “animated.” They were beautiful, and they looked like they had been around for a long time and that they had been seen by many children that were now big people like Mama and Daddy and older than them too. After the displays that moved there was a train, and it was bright and took us into the world of the North Pole—which I hear is the place where he lives. There was a giant tree and trains that moved around in little miniature towns, and there were reindeer that laughed and talked to you. With everything happening around us, time went by really fast—like magic—until it was time for us to go into the little room to see Santa.



I told you that this may have been the real Santa. It wasn’t all of the things that were magical or the elves or any of those types of things… it was the feeling that I got when I sat in his lap with my big sister Addie. He was so gentle in everything that he said, and his smile was so warm when he had us speak to him that you couldn’t help but to love him and to want to stay. I would have stayed all day with him if I had been able to, but there were a lot of people that wanted to talk to him, so we had to let them go, too.

He first asked Adalyn, “What is the one thing that you want for Christmas?” She told him a giant kitty stuffed animal. Then he asked me. He didn’t ask Mama or Addie or Daddy like most people do because they expect the big people to answer for me—he asked me. I couldn’t say what I wanted because I really can’t let all of the words out that I know inside my head yet, so Addie said, “a little kitchen with little pans and food.” That was right—I like to cook like my Daddy does, and I know how to stir and mix ingredients already, but I need my own pretend place to make things for Daddy to do special things for him too like he does for us pretty much every day.

Then it was time to go.

Mama picked me up to take me away, and I stopped. I stopped right there and I stared at him, Santa Claus, love of all small children, and I reached for him. I reached out silently, not shouting in my big voice like I normally would (as I knew that it was the time for silence) as far as my arm would go. I looked at him, and he didn’t go on to the next people that wanted to see him—he spent a moment with me instead. He waved to me like other small children wave to me, with his hand opening and closing, and said, “Santa loves you, dear,” and he smiled. His soft voice was love, and I knew that he meant for me to hear it, not Mama or even Addie. It was meant only for me, and it was what I know to be part of the love of Christmas spirit… the love of bringing others joy. We had to leave then, but I took that part of Santa Claus along with me, and it is still there… the spirit of giving and the kindness of Christmas.

I saw those window displays of “Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus” too. Mama explained the letter where the little girl asked the New York Sun if there was a Santa Claus and their response that yes, there was a Santa. I knew it anyway. There is a Santa Claus, and as the letter says, “He lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay 10 times and 10,000 years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.”


Dirt Baths… Nature Can be Wondrous.


I love outside. Everyone in my family does. I love it in a way that the rest of my family doesn’t understand, though. I love listening to the birds and seeing them fly way overhead. I love the breeze that hits my cheeks when the fall time is beginning. I love the way that the grass tickles my toes before I work to pull it out and crush it. I love the squirrels that come near me until I scream for them to come closer (they run away then, and I don’t know why… I just want to pat their fuzzy heads). What I love more than all of those things, though, is playing in the little herb plants that Daddy planted. I love the feel of the Earth in between my fingers. It’s squishy and soft and moist. I would try to eat it, but it crumbles in my fingers before I can, and then I have to go and pick more up over and over again.

My Mama is quite silly, and she doesn’t enjoy seeing me really dirty. Some of the people in my life like Daddy and Granny let me get food all over the place when I am eating, but Mama feeds me carefully. Daddy’s right, though, that is how I am going to learn one day to not be messy– I have to practice.

Playing in the dirt is like that. My Mama watches me and laughs, but she always looks a bit worried that the plants will suffer from my death grip hands or that I will take all of the dirt out of the pots and put it all over my clothes. I take some, it is nature’s Play-Doh after all. I can’t take all of it, though, and I leave plenty for my little friends the plants. I do like to rub it into my clothes and skin. It is like a dirt bath. Mama is not the biggest fan of dirt baths.

What she doesn’t understand, and what no one else in my family does really, is that dirt is meant to be felt. Everything (except for I guess the squirrels) is meant to be felt. It is a way to be close to outside. My Mama and Daddy sit in the sun and enjoys the breeze too, and they love outside. My big sister Addie and my big, big sister Lilli and my giant brother Jonah all like to be outside to run and play. They ride on those wheel things that they call bikes that I have but my legs aren’t ready for yet. They don’t stop though, to feel and to experience and to love the Earth as much as I do. Mama says that soon I’ll be so busy running and playing to remember, even before I am a giant person like her, but I hope that I don’t. Nature, at its finest, is still, and you can even feel God if you breathe the air in just the right way.


Of Course I Type These Blogs… or At Least I “Help”


I have been called prolific, well spoken, and mature for my age. I thank those of you who have said so. I have also been told, though, that there is no way that I could type all of these blogs. Of course I do. And by “of course I do” I mean that I sit on Mama’s lap sometimes and “type” by hitting the computer with my hands to help Mama get those thoughts out properly. If I didn’t help her out, I know that there’s no way that she could get them all done, though… they are my own thoughts after all, and I have to give them to her for her to use her lightning fingers. I wish mine moved that fast when I was trying to grab the kitty or Daddy’s morning coffee cup.

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See? My beautiful words are right there for all of the world to see. Silly doubters in my advanced abilities.

I Have a “Lovely” Blog… The Lovely Blog Award! :)

One Lovely Blog 18.7

Hello everyone! I was recognized by Kat, who has a wonderful blog that everyone who has not already (or hasn’t seen it in a bit) should check out. Her blog is Dandelion Fuzz, and here is the link: http://katcarpita.wordpress.com. Her blog is great to read and my Mama reads every post by her.

I was nominated for the One Lovely Blog award, and my Mama says that “lovely” means beautiful and great, so I am very honored and humbled (Mama taught me that word and says that is a good thing to be when you get recognized for doing something good.)

The first thing is to say 7 facts about me. Here goes:

1. I am now over 13 months old, so I am practically an adult in a little body.

2. I am very adventurous and I like to climb. I can’t walk yet, but I know how to climb on the couch and the bed, and I can get around most anywhere that I want to. I can’t figure out how to climb onto the kitchen counters yet, but give me time, Mama, give me time.

3. I like to lounge around in bed, and I have already discovered the wonders of sleeping in– often until 9 a.m. Mama and Daddy say that means that they are really, really lucky on weekends when they can sleep in. I do love my morning snuggle time too, until I am ready to go. Then… I go.

4. I like to have books read to me, and even though sometimes I grab and eat the books that Mama or Daddy are reading to me, I want for them to keep reading while I do it.

5. I have only two teeth, but I can gum and chew most anything that is small enough, and I don’t like baby food anymore. I am a big girl, and I want to eat everything that Mama and Daddy are eating. I know the good stuff.

6. I don’t like cake. Daddy says that this is rare for someone my age, but I prefer fruit to cake. Mama says that this is a good thing and that she hopes that I stay that way.

7. Mama and Daddy and other people too have said that I am an “old soul.” They say I look at the world like it is new but not new all at the same time.

Here are the rules for the award:

1. Thank and link back to the person who nominated you.(Check.)
2. List the rules and display the award.(Check.)
3. Include seven facts about yourself.(Check.)
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers and let them know about the award.(See below. Check.)
5. Display the award and follow the blogger who nominated you (if not already!) (Already done! Mama loves Kat’s blog!)

Here are my nominees. Mama helped me with this part. All of these blogs are ones that Mama shows to me and reads or looks at the beautiful photography. Mama told me to let you all know that if you don’t want to participate, that’s okay, too. It is always good to be recognized, and these area all blogs that I see my Mama reading.















http://edenseffort.wordpress.com (Note: This last blog is close to my heart and Mama’s because my big sister Addie has type one diabetes.)

Thank you again, Kat! http://katcarpita.wordpress.com

Xo, Dorian

I Love Challenges! Is that Like When Mama Tries to Get Me to Crawl Across the Room?


Mama said that she read about a challenge today… to write about the best day of your life. The post, she said, is here: http://mommyx4boys.wordpress.com/2014/05/23/challenge-the-best-day-of-your-life/. She told me to think on it, but I really didn’t have to. I am a baby after all, so every day is a good day really unless it’s a bad teeth-coming-in day, but the best day? Well, that’s the day that I came into the world.

Mama reminded me that I used to live in her belly. At first I didn’t believe her, but then she showed me a picture of my face before I came into the world. I don’t know how they can take a picture from inside someone, but Mama said that it involves a little wand, warm liquid, and a computer. It sounds like something I would have liked since I love computers, but I had no idea what they were doing I’m sure from inside Mama. Mama laughed and told me that since I bang on her computer that I would probably break that machine given the chance, and that it would cost a lot more money that her computer if I did.

I kind of remember Mama’s belly as being comfy and never cold or hot, kind of like a warm bath. The bigger that I got, though, the more cramped up everything was, and I couldn’t stretch out anymore. I waited and waited and waited to come out of Mama’s belly. It took ages. Even Mama says that it did, and she told me that I used to kick her in the ribs when I got big enough and that it hurt sometimes. I still do, but it’s from the other side now, and I’m now bigger and even stronger.

Mama tells me that my body actually sent a signal to her body to help me to come into the world. I don’t know how I could tell Mama anything, after all, I certainly couldn’t talk in there, but she says that not everything that is said is said with words or noise. She says that some of the best things, like babies telling Mamas that they are ready to see the world, don’t use sound at all.

I wanted to know how on Earth I was inside Mama and then was not anymore, but Mama said I am way too young to know the details and that I didn’t need to worry about it. I asked if it hurt, and she said that yes, it did hurt, but no matter how much it does, it is worth it to every Mama that is waiting to be able to hold her baby. Mama must love me more than I can ever know, because I don’t even like it when I bonk my head on something, but she said when I get bigger that I may want to have a baby too and that I won’t mind the pain either. We’ll have to wait and see on that one.

So I came out out into the world, not crying, just taking it all in. That is the kind of gal that I am… I don’t fret, I don’t worry… I just love… being. After all, there are all of these beautiful, wonderful things around me.

Even that day, my favorite day, I already knew that life was beautiful, that I was beautiful, and that I was loved. That last part? The loved part? I already know I’m really lucky as I am surrounded by love all of the time.

So the best moment? The best day? My birth day, because Mama and Daddy finally got to hold me after hearing their muffled voices say, “I love you and can’t wait to meet you.” Being loved by them, forever and ever until the end of days, makes me the luckiest girl on Earth. Mama and Daddy both say that I make them pretty lucky, too.

Thank you, Opinionated Man, for helping me to find this challenge. http://aopinionatedman.com/2014/05/24/challenge-the-best-day-of-your-life/

Edgar Allen Poe Eat Your Heart Out… I Can Make Word Music Too.


Mama has been on a kick with reading to me lately. It’s mostly a man named Dr. Seuss who makes sounds match up (Mama calls this rhyming but it sounds like music to me) and Goodnight Moon, but today she read a poem that she said was my middle name called “Annabel Lee.” This really sad man wrote it she said, and because of that it was a really sad poem, but Mama says that it’s happier than a lot of what he did. I sure am glad that she picked this one then, because this was about as sad as I can take at my age.

Mama said that Daddy used to work on a boat with the same name, which is why he named me that, and she said that her Daddy, my Grandpa, used to read it to her when she was little like me. She called this a tradition. I think that I like those.

The poem was beautiful even though it was sad, and it felt kind of like when we were in that boat going back and forth and back and forth. Mama says it’s hard to write poems because they have to line up just right, but I think that I can do it if I try really hard. I only know this one, so I’m going to have to make it sound the same.

Dorian Annabel Dean

It was many and many a day ago,
In a kingdom small as me,
That a baby there lived that you may know
Named Dorian Annabel Dean;
And this baby she lived with no other thought
Than to love and to be loved by we.

I am a child and so are we all,
In this kingdom small as me:
But we love with a love that is more than love—
My Mama my Daddy and me;
With a love that the angels who look from above
Watch over them and me.

And this was the reason that, days ago,
In this kingdom as small as me,
The sun it shone on us all, warming
Wee Dorian Annabel Dean;
So that my Mama and Daddy came,
To enjoy the sun with me,
To put me in my Mama’s arms,
In this kingdom small as me.

The angels, who watched over them in Heaven,
Were protecting them and me—
Yes! That is the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom small as me)
That the sun came out of the clouds by day,
Warming wee Dorian Annabel Dean.

Oh our love it by far was stronger by far than the love
Of many much older than we—
And many much “wiser” than we—
And all of the angels in Heaven above,
And our God who looks down on us three,
Forever connects Mama and Daddy’s souls
To wee Dorian Annabel Dean.

For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams
Of my Mama, my Daddy and me;
And the stars always rise, and they know the bright eyes
Of wee Dorian Annabel Dean —
And so, all the nighttime, I lie down by the side,
Of my Mama—my Daddy—my life and my pride,
In my kingdom as small as me,
My Mama and Daddy and me.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words… Unless You’re Dorian Gray


My Mama told me today where my name came from, and from what I understand, it is from a book about a man who lives forever through a painting that ages instead of him aging. That doesn’t seem right, because all of the pictures that I see in our house have my big sister, my big, big sister, and my giant brother smaller than they are now, so it seems backwards to me. My mama said that this man was kind of backwards and that his name was Dorian Gray.

My Mama said that Daddy has a name from books too because Granddaddy Moe also had a love for books, and that this is why his name is spelled weird. Mama said his name is Spenser instead of Spencer after Edmund Spenser, who wrote a giant poem that keeps going and going and going. Mama called it “epic” I think, but I am not sure what that means exactly.

Mama and Daddy decided that my name should be like his name, so they both got to pick a name that meant something to them. Mama picked Dorian because she loves the man who wrote it, Oscar Wilde, and she said something about Dorian being both a beautiful and tragic character. I am not sure why she named me after a man who apparently did bad things, but Mama said that he is not a bad man; he just became bad because people can be weak if they are tempted. Mama told me that it actually makes her happy to read, and that just like bad things that happen in life, there is good in it if you only look close enough. She said that the meaning really to take from it is in these words…

“Live! Live the wonderful life that is in you! Let nothing be lost upon you. Be always searching for new sensations. Be afraid of nothing.”

She said that is how she hopes that I will live my life, and I think that I am doing pretty well so far. I live my life in a simple way, not afraid, seeing everything that I can. Mama says that if I keep living that way and don’t forget when I get older, that my life will be amazing and beautiful just like me.